Monday, September 8, 2008

Catty Musings

Hola, bloggers! Bom Dia! Cats are for me the most elegant creatures in the animal kingdom. They are ever so graceful and so so sweet when they are being fussed about. And they are ever so loyal. But one thing I like about cats are their noses. I love to pinch them when they are cold, as a result, my cat Shy's nose has become carabish (dilapidated....ha, ha! joke!) Cats always remind me of idleness. You know why? Observe a cat in its idle times when it is just catnapping and you will notice how gracefully serene and tranquil it looks. How about human beings, how are we when we are idle? Oh never be idle! We can never be graceful when we are idle because when we are idle we are subject to destructive thoughts, dangerous impulses, and perilous pressures from without. All of these contribute to anxiety.
There are some who would rationalize their idleness by their advanced years. Just because you have grown older doesnt mean you can be idle as long as you want. Don't ever think to immunize yourself from the responsibility to industry simply because you have become older.
Let me tell you this:
Commodore Vanderbilt built most of his railroads when he was well over seventy, making his hundreds of millions at an age when most men have retired.
Tennyson was eighty-three when he wrote "Crossing the Bar."
Michelangelo was producing masterpieces in the filed of sculpture at eighty-nine.
Titian painted his incomparable "Battle of Lepanto" at ninety-eight, his "Last Supper" at ninety-nine.
Monet was painting great masterpieces after eighty-five.
Men like these mentioned don't have time for anxiety. Worry is a time thief and they refused to be robbed by it.
We can always admire the gracefulness and tranquility of cats when they are idle but we can never achieve the same gracefulness and tranquility when we are idle. Always keep in mind that "an idle mind is a devil's workshop."
Have a great new week bloggers and God bless us all!
"All I have seen teaches me to trust the Creator for all I have not seen."
~~Ralph Waldo Emerson~~