Hola, bloggers! Bom dia! As a short story writer I always love happy endings. When I was still young I used to feed my mind with stories of travels and adventures and romance all with happy endings. One of the great short stories that I really, really love is from Giovanni Boccacio's Il Decameron, The 5th day, Ninth story. I read and reread this from time to time. I also fed my mind with the stories from Geoffrey Chaucer's Canterbury tales and from the Arabian Nights or the Thousand and One Nights. Oh how my mind wandered excitedly through the pages of those stories from far off lands! I remember very well as a child I used to have with me a small notebook wherein i carefully jotted down words and phrases from books that appealed to my wild imagination. I love words...lovely phrases and poems with beautiful rythmic lines captivate my vivid imagination. I used to read romance books under the mango tree in our backyard near a lake with crystal clear waters running and would always wait for the sunset so i could look through the river at it. Until now i do this...i love the feeling when i am surrounded by nature. I used to romp around the ricefields catching dragonflies and racing through the grassfields toward the teeming hills. While on top of the hills I would always look at the next town over the horizon. Oh boy, such sweet memories of childhood to recollect!
Now, whenever a good subject for a short story pops up in my mind, i would gather inspiration first by way of surrounding myself with the things that put my mind at ease and at peace so i can have the focus to write down effectively the ideas budding in my mind in order to come up with a great story right at the tip of my pen or rather at the keys of my keyboards...however you say it...lol. Well, as a writer, i had undergone series of disappointments but i have NEVER given up even for once, instead, every rejected piece of my stories served as challenge to strive more diligently to achieve perfection...if not perfection, at least rise above mediocrity. To the young budding writers out there, Iwould advise not to get discouraged by rejections, instead keep on keeping on until you get the satisfaction that you desire, at least the satisfaction that you have tried so well on a field of an endeavour. Till next blog, have great days ahead bloggers!I am Ophelia Jane Julia wishing everyone who pass by my blogger sites a blessed weekend!
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