"The purpose of life is to look for its purpose." It still echoes in my mind, a saying that I first read in my Literature 101 book. Some of us were born in a privilege childhood and some were born in the dimness and obscurity of poverty but the one common denominator that binds us altogether is our souls' searching for the deep and profound things of life. "Who am I? Why am I here?" are the common questions that come to mind from time to time. When we experience nothing but the enjoyment of all life's pleasures, we regard life as beautiful, but when sufferings, pain and sorrows come, we regard life as one whole big dark room. We tend to disregard the beauty of the rose when we are hurt by its thorns. Often the hurt, the pain, sorrows and sufferings dim our view of the bright skies that lay ahead. But to the courageous, the brave and the patient, rewards of greatness and satisfaction in living are given. We are like soldiers fighting for our very own existence so hold your head high soldiers and march forward with courage because the profound reason and meaning of life is to be understood by only the wisest and the bravest!!!
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