Thursday, January 29, 2009

"Defenses conceal weaknesses, as graves and thick bottles conceal things that are buried. But though a defense may hide, it is not necessarily impenetrable, just as, though something is buried, it is not irretrievable."

"Every coincidence, improbable as it may seem in the real world, is probable and even predictable in the psyhe's hidden world. The psyche will look for what it wants in the real world; it will project what it needs into what is there."
"We assume that all human beings crave love and move toward it as instinctively as a plant inclines to the sun. But human nature can be perverted and love is too dangerously to want, in fact, it is too dangerous to want anything....but there comes a time when nature will not be denied, when, because we still "feel life at life's sources"..."

"The dead never change, because they are stopped in time. And if they remain always as they were at the moment of their death, everything about them remains as it was. Their memories can never change or fade. Because the dead are stopped, there can be no question of their forgetting, of their ceasing to love."

for 360 posting by ophelia jane julia.

Those of us who love prose and poetry find in its pleasure, wisdom and inspiration. But even the best literature cannot be compared to the value of the words of the Bible. Imagine a despairing soul on the verge of suicide picking up a book of poetry and thumbing through its pages. It's highly unlikely that even the noble thoughts of Henry W. Longfellow or John Greenleaf Whittier, to say nothing of a modern poet like T.S Eliot, would inspire him to fall on his knees and cry out to God for mercy and grace. Poetry has its honored place in our culture. But human words, however creatively woven together, can never take the place of God's Word for...

A well-turned phrase and words that rhyme

Can give us inspiration,

Yet nothing but the Word of God

Can bring us His salvation.


Have a lovely and blessed weekend ahead bloggers!



a c k n o w l e d g e m e n t s:

oil on canvas image 1 - Lachrymae by Lord Leighton Fredric

oil on canvas image 2 - Invocation by Lord Leighton Fredric

oil on canvas image 3 - Clytie, 1892 by Lord Leighton Fredric

oil on canvas image 4 - Odalisque by Lord Leighton Fredric

Oil on canvas images were taken from

Featured excerpts quoted from: Introduction to Charlotte Bronte's Villette by Susan Fromberg Schaeffer

Monday, January 26, 2009

In My Dreams...Even If The Sun Refused To Shine...

A Fairy Tale by Arthur Wardel by you.
"in my dreams i always see you soar above the sky
in my heart there'll always be
a place for you for all my life
i'll keep a part of you with me
and everywhere i am there you'll be"
~~From There You'll Be, Love Theme from Pearl Harbor by Faith Hill~~
Miranda, 1916 by John Wiiliam Waterhouse by you.
and even if the sun refused to shine
even if romance ran out of rhyme
you would still have my heart
until the end of time
you're all i need my love, my valentine
~~From My Love, My Valentine recorded and sung by Martina Mc Bride~~
ophelia's workplaceframed2 by you.
"Many waters cannot quench love, neither can the floods drown it...
for love is strong as death..."
~~Song of Solomon 8: 7, 6~~
"He who is in his innermost being doesn't possess the qualities to live happily is subjected to the insults of all Ages. He who finds within himself the roots of goodness cannot perceive as bad that which is imposed by natural necessities."
Wish you all blessed days ahead bloggers!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

One Day

I want to tell You Lord
Of the love I have for You
I'm trying to express
The things You are, the things You do
I've searched the book of rhymes
Looking for words to say, nothing comes to mind
That in any way ever could describe
The love that burns inside
And how life's complete with You.

One day, one day with You and life begins again
Like water to a dry and thirsty land
It's just one day with You
One day, the world will see how great Your love has been
I'll never go back to that world again
After one day with You.

The more I get to know You, Lord
The more I find You true
I try to share with others
That they will know You too
No matter where I go Your love will always stay
Hold me even though I fall along the way
We will never part, You are in my heart
Always there to pull me through.

One day, one day with You and life begins again
Like water to a dry and thirsty land
It's just one day with You
One day, the world will see how great Your love has been
I'll never go back to that world again
After one day with You.

When our heart is full of love to Jesus, His loveliness becomes the passion of the soul, and sin and self are swept away. We start aligning our desires, our will and our life to God. We and God then become agreed in life desires, life purposes, life plans and work them out together. Thus, through all the misfortunes of our life, whenever we are faced with the gravest problems imaginable, we will be totally abandoned and so forced to depend entirely on God's resources. (Ophelia)

Have blessed days ahead Bloggers!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Tear Drops Poem

They say memories are golden,
Well, maybe that is true;
I never wanted memories,
I only wanted you.
A million times I needed you,
A million times I cried;
If love alone could have saved you,
You never would have died.

In life I loved you dearly,
In death I love you still;
In my heart you hold a piece
No one could ever fill.

But now I know you want me
To mourn for you no more,
To remember the happy times
Life still has much in store.
Since you'll never be forgotten
I pledge to you today;
A hallowed place within my heart
Is where you'll always stay.

If tears could build a stairway
And heartache make a lane;
I'd walk the path to heaven
And bring you back again.

Our family chain is broken,
and nothing seems the same;
But as God calls us one by one,
The chain will link again.

Ophelia by you.
" The heart is by nature restless as old ocean's waves; it seeks an object for its affection; and when it finds one beneath the stars, it is doomed to sorrow. Either the beloved changes, and there is disappointment; or death comes in, and there is bereavement. The more tender the heart, the greater its unrest. Those in whom the heart is simply one of the largest valves are undisturbed, because they are callous; but the sensitive, the generous, and the unselfish, are often found seeking rest and finding none. To such, the Lord Jesus says, "Come unto Me and I will give you rest."
There are flowers that bloom in winter, if we have but grace to see them. Never was there a night of the soul so dark but what some lone star of hope might be discerned, and never a spiritual tempest so tremendous but what there was a haven into which the soul could put if it had but enough confidence in God to make a run for it. Rest assured that though you have fallen very low, you might have fallen lower if it were not that underneath are the Everlasting Arms. "
~~Charles Haddon Spurgeon, 1886~~

"Be of good courage, and he shall strengthen your heart, all ye that hope in the LORD."—Psalm 31:24.

Teardrop photo by pikchers on FLICKR